Service Times: Wednesday 7:00 PM, Sunday 11:15 AM

Generations Church

God | People | Grow

Generations Church is a thriving multi-cultural multi-generational church. We believe every individual is called to pursue a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. As a church family, we value love, forgiveness, and the work of the Holy Spirit. We embrace the Bible as the infallible Word of God; allowing it to move us into a place of Christ-likeness.
At Generations, we love Jesus passionately. We pray because effectual fervent prayer changes things. We read His Word because when we read, we are literally hearing the voice of God. We work because leveraging our gifts and talents to advance God's kingdom is simply our calling.
Everywhere we go we intentionally allow the unconditional love of God to be felt by others. We work to create a welcoming environment in which everyone feels valued. We serve people because it is one of the greatest expressions of love. Serving others is important to our Lord, so it is important to us!
Generations Church exists for the purpose of reaching the souls of the lost. We believe personal salvation is the first step. God desires for us to grow in a relationship with Him and growth happens better together! Every time we gather, we know God has something special for each person.

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Gathering Times

Sunday Mornings
Table Talk (Adult Practical Life Classes) - 10am
Sunday School (Ages 5-18) - 10am
Worship Experience - 11:15am
Monday Evenings
Celebrate Recovery - 6pm
Wednesday Evenings
Pastor Ball's Expository Teaching - 7pm

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"Love my church! Great worship, great preaching, an amazing students ministry and a delicious coffee shop! The church is growing and expanding! Very welcoming and friendly!"

- Zach

"My family loves this church. Great preaching. Coffee is good and good people. I love it here."

- Cody

"Leadership here is top notch. And it trickles down all the way. Excellent balance of teaching and preaching."

- Nicholas